If you couldn’t find the perfect wordings for a wedding rehearsal dinner invitation, you have come at the right place. Here, we will give you some good samples of rehearsal dinner wordings that you can use. Feel free to grab some of these wordings and modify as needed.


Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #1

We are aiming for a perfect wedding
For Michelle Reed and Michael Fox
And so the wedding committee
Invites you to a rehearsal
At The Holy Ghost Cathedral,
673 Mill Oaks Grove
Tampa, Florida
On Friday, September 29th
At 4.00 p.m.

Dinner will be served in the church hall after the rehearsal

Please join the bride and groom to be.

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #2


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hannibal
Request the pleasure of your company
At the rehearsal dinner in honor of
Sylvia and Cyril
On Friday, December 27th
At 7.00 p.m.
At New Castle Reef Hotel
Simba Lounge
9954 Southern Road
Fargo, North Dakota

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #3


We love Regina Bell and Alan Bright
And we want them to have a perfect wedding.
So on the eve of their wedding day
We are inviting you to a Rehearsal Dinner
In their honor
On Friday, May 14th at 7.00 p.m.
At the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Bright
639 Rose Wood Drive
Lyle, Oregon.

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #4


Two families are about to be joined
By the wedding of
Patricia Day and Zachary Knight.
In their honor
You are invited to a Rehearsal Dinner
To toast the upcoming nuptials
Friday, November 24th
At 6.00 p.m.
Blue Shields Restaurant
358 Riders Lane
Los Angeles, California

Regrets only Annabelle 334 224 8759

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #5


The pleasure of your company is requested
At the Rehearsal Dinner
In honor of Barbara and Miles
Friday, June 23rd at 7.00 p.m.
Sunset Grill
38 Rosewood Avenue
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rehearsal will follow after dinner
At St. Mark’s Church.

RSVP to Hannah at 316 970 6166

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #6


Love is paradise on earth,
For there, delights never fade.
In order to start the couple on their way
Perfection needs to crown their day.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lovejoy
Request the pleasure of your company
To a Rehearsal Dinner
In honor of
Ethel and Nigel
On the eve of their wedding
Friday, February 22nd
At 7.00 p.m.
Spring Room
Wisteria Hotel
Mary Hill, Ohio.

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #7


In honor of
The upcoming wedding of
Ruby and Martin,

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Request your company
At a Rehearsal Dinner
On Friday, July 25th
At 7.00 p.m.
Poolside Terrace
Norfolk Hotel
Nairobi, Kenya.

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #8


There will be a Rehearsal Dinner
As we prepare for the great day
For Miranda and Bradford

As a special friend
Please join us
On Friday, October 3rd
At 7.00 p.m.
Safari Hall
West Court Hotel
426 Bridge Road
Portland, Oregon.

RSVP Viola on 222 345 8734

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #9


You are invited to a Rehearsal Dinner
To honor
Phoebe and Murray
On their wedding eve
Friday, 3rd March at 6.30 p.m.
The Lotus Restaurant
Kaunda Street

Regrets only to Zoe 555 334 8834

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Wording #10


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Books
Kindly request your company
At a Rehearsal Dinner
To honor
Judith and Bruce
On the eve of their wedding
On Friday, April 24th
At 8.00 p.m.
Virginia Court Hotel
356 Green Wood Road
Selmon, Arizona.

Family or friends are getting married and we would all like them to have a perfect wedding day. This is made possible by the preparations that go into making the day a special one, and especially the bridal party. After the couple have set their date and all has been done, it is important to have a date to do the final rehearsal so that any hiccups can be ironed out and the wedding day is perfect. If you are organizing the rehearsal dinner it is imperative that you choose a date and day when all those who are actively involved will be free to attend so that there are no surprises at the last minute. Send out the invitations as soon as the couple to be wed have set their date. In this way the important people will have enough time to organize their schedules and be able to attend. Simple rehearsal dinner invitation wording should do it.

About Annako 189 Articles
Hello, I’m Annako – a travel nerd, web buff wannabe, passionate blogger next door and a coffee addict. Writing is my passion so I write about anything. Enjoy!