Romantic Love Messages for Him and Her: Any normal human being looks forward to loving and being loved, and when that desire is fulfilled it is an awesome experience indeed. Therefore affirming it over and over again as the relationship progresses is something that we all should do. No one ever gets tired of being told how much they are adored by the one they love. These may be just three little words but these words have been known to conquer even the hardest and wildest of hearts. These words have started and stopped wars the world over through the ages. Saying I love you may just seem like a simple thing to do but when it is said from the heart it makes the hearer glad and where hope was lost, hope can be restored once again. It is the cheapest and yet most precious gift that you can give the one you love and adore.




  • There are so many ways that I can show you that I love you and this text message is just one of them. I love you my darling.
  • At the click of a key may the airwaves convey my love to you my darling. I love you.
  • My QWERTY phone is a good host and respects the love that we share. Whatever the function, it places U and I together. I love you baby.


  • God in His infinite wisdom knew that we would fall in love, and so He gave someone the wisdom to invent the cell phones so that you and I will always be together and no matter the distance and time, we can be together. I love you darling.
  • What would we do without cellphones
    Nokia, Samsung and the rest
    How would lovers like you and me communicate?
    How did we ever survive without them?
    How would I have told you how much I love you, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week?



  • When God created you, He had me in mind, so that together we would walk through this life hand in hand until we fulfill our destinies. I love you darling.
  • My hands will forever hold you, my heart will forever treasure you. My ears will ever be attentive to you and my love belongs only to you. I love you baby.
  • May you never walk alone again, I will always be by your side.
    May you never cry alone, I will always cry with you.
    May you never laugh alone, I will share laughter with you.
    May you never rejoice alone, I will always be there to share your joy
    Now and forever may we ever be together. I love you sweet heart.


  • Give no thought to the past, it is already gone.
    Give no thought to the future, it belongs to God.
    Only have thoughts of today, for here I am beside you,
    Loving you and being your present. I love you baby.
  • God took His giant knitting needles,
    And knit our hearts together
    Let us praise Him for the wonder
    Of this great workmanship that is our love.
    All my love to you my darling.



  • No finer man has walked the earth than you. You are a prince among men and I am truly glad that you are mine. I love you my darling.
  • No doubt there are many fine, handsome and smart men in the world but none of them is you. You are one of a kind and you are mine. I love you baby.
  • On this day and always you are crowned the king of my heart. Take your rightful place in my heart and life. I love you dear heart.


  • From the first moment I beheld your handsome face I knew that you were special. And now that you are in my heart I pray that you will stay there for the longest time. I love you darling.
  • It is easy to love you because of who you are. You are so strong and yet so gentle, you are so tough and yet so meek. I trust you baby because I love you, and I love you because I trust you.

About Annako 189 Articles
Hello, I’m Annako – a travel nerd, web buff wannabe, passionate blogger next door and a coffee addict. Writing is my passion so I write about anything. Enjoy!