We celebrate Easter each year and it comes to remind us of the love of a Perfect God for flawed mankind. Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was buried and on the third day He rose again to bring hope to the world. As you celebrate this wonderful holiday remember that Christ gave His life for us willingly and unconditionally and so we should extend the same love to family, friends and others around us.


This is the time to send good wishes and greetings to loved ones to let them know that you are thinking about them and sharing the joy of Easter with them. Use this time to patch up strained relationships and strengthen the ones you already have by sharing your heart and love with loved ones. Let this be the time when grace is poured out from you to others, help others realize that even when dreams, hopes and plans seem dead, they can resurrect and gain new life. Spread hope all around.



  • As you celebrate Easter may you remember God’s perfect love for all mankind, and may that love fill you with hope for the days to come. Happy Easter.
  • Forgiveness is like setting someone free from a jail. As you celebrate Easter may you be set free from all that confines you and makes your life tough. May you rejoice in the knowledge that you are free forever. Happy Easter.
  • Rejoice and be merry and share laughter and good times at Easter, for the Son of God has set us free and free indeed. Happy Easter.


  • Christ’s empty grave is proof that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope for a new day. May God revive all your dreams and hopes this Easter. Rejoice in Easter.
  • This is the time to celebrate new beginnings and new life. Happy Easter to you all.
  • May the Spirit of Easter fill your hearts with joy and gladness and give you a reason to hold on even when times are tough. Happy Easter.
  • This Easter may your love be renewed and may your hopes be revived. May all good things you dream of come true for you and your family. Happy Easter.


  • Hold on to the hope that no matter what lies ahead, Christ has conquered the grave. And by conquering the grave He has given us new life for now and eternity to come. Happy Easter.
  • Let your hearts be glad, shout with joy and celebrate this great day. Easter is here, and so is new life and hope. Happy Easter to you.
  • This Easter may God bring you the revelation of what this holiday truly means, and with that knowledge stand and face the world with courage and hope. Happy Easter.



  • Never again do you have to wonder about the future. Christ is your past, present and future, and in His resurrection your future is secure. Happy Easter.
  • Ring the bells at Easter and celebrate the joy of living. Christ has set you free and you should rejoice in this freedom. Happy Easter.
  • Take time to reflect on what Easter truly means and you will be surprised at the revelation. You are forgiven, you are set free, you have life and so live it to the best you can. That is one way to truly honour the One who laid down His precious life for you. Happy Easter.


  • Because of Easter, slavery in all its forms was abolished. Let nothing ever enslave you again for Christ paid a high price to buy your freedom. Happy Easter.
  • Because of Easter the wrath of God was pacified and He laid it on Jesus instead. Now you are a beloved child of God, may the knowledge that God is your Father fill you with deep security and completeness. Happy Easter.
  • You have been made whole by Christ who took all your sins and died in your place. Rejoice in the knowledge that nothing can ever separate you from His love. Happy Easter.


  • As you celebrate Easter remember it is a time of sacrificial giving for Christ gave His life to set you free. Love your friends and family sacrificially and emulate the example of the Greatest Friend. Happy Easter.
  • Never look down on yourself for you are worth saving and you were saved by the Precious Blood that Jesus shed on the cross. Celebrate Easter with the knowledge that you are dearly beloved of God. Happy Easter.



  • Let not this Easter be a time of just eating and drinking, but reflection also. Reflect on what Easter means and learn to see everyone regardless of race, colour, creed as people who are worthy of God’s selfless love. Happy Easter.
  • As you celebrate Easter think of all those who are not as fortunate as yourself and in any way that you can, make someone else’s life better. Happy Easter.
  • Because of God’s sacrificial love in giving His only Son to die for you, extend a hand this Easter and give sacrificially of your wealth and self to others who need it. Happy Easter.
  • Remember all the blessings God has bestowed on you over the years as you celebrate Easter, and share those blessings with those who you know need them. Happy Easter.


  • This Easter take time to remember all those who sacrificially serve others, the armed forces, the doctors and nurses, volunteers and teachers and all others who never count the costs of blessing others. Say a special prayer for them and ask God to bless them and their loved ones. Happy Easter.
  • May Easter make you truly thankful to God for the freedom He has given you and your loved ones. Christ set us free from all bondage and sin and from the torments of the devil. Rejoice and be glad, and sing praises to God halleluiah! Happy Easter.
  • Rejoice in the radiance that Easter brings, the triumph of good over evil, the triumph of inner light over spiritual darkness, the triumph of hope over despair, the triumph of love over fear. Happy Easter to you.


About Annako 189 Articles
Hello, I’m Annako – a travel nerd, web buff wannabe, passionate blogger next door and a coffee addict. Writing is my passion so I write about anything. Enjoy!