Good Luck Messages: The only people who do not face any challenges are those who have finished their life’s journey and are resting in their graves. However, those who are still alive face challenges which come in many forms, some good and some tough. One way people are able to face life’s challenges and triumph is when there are people who urge them on even when the going gets tough. When our friends and loved ones need encouragement and we are there to urge them on, it makes a big difference in how they will face those challenges. We can encourage them to keep trying even when it seems like there is no reason to. We become precious to friends and family when we remember them through their trying times. One simple way we can do this is through sending messages that wish good luck to those in our lives. The fact that there are those who believe in us makes us face any daunting challenges with courage.



  • This simple text message is to let you know that you are not alone in this challenge. I may not be there physically with you as you go through it but remember that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Good luck to you.


  • Whatever lies ahead is there to lift you to another level in your life. Go on and subdue every fear and walk triumphantly to the other side. Good luck to you.
  • You are my hero and I say this sincerely because I have seen you overcome in the past. And now once again you are being called upon to prove that you are indeed made of tough stuff. Good luck.
  • You have worked hard and prepared for this day. Believe in yourself and in what you can achieve, and things will line up in your favor. Good luck to you.



  • You are the stuff that heroes are made of and once again this is a chance to prove that fact to yourself and to the whole world. So go on and conquer whatever lies ahead, for whatever happens, you will always emerge as a winner for having stepped out in the first place. Good luck to you.
  • Real heroes are not those who always triumph, real heroes are those who never back down from a challenge whatever the outcome will be. Good luck as you face whatever lies ahead.


  • In the peregrination of life those who make it are those who will not be held back by anything. Never let anything hold you back from achieving what you believe to be truly worth having. Good luck to you.
  • Good luck as you step out into the unknown and reach for the stars. What seems formidable will look manageable when seen with the eyes of faith.



  • One step at a time is what it takes to achieve the victory. You have the muscles and the endurance. Good luck in your game.
  • You woke up early and went to bed late each day in preparation for this big event in your life. Now go ahead and believe that you can achieve the impossible. Good luck to you.


  • Tough people never give up and I have always known you as a tough person. So run this race with all that is in you, and reach for your glory. Good luck.
  • Competition is healthy because it makes us reach within us and perform to the best of our ability. Respect the competition, never fear the competition and see competition as the ladder that will help you reach your highest goal for now. Good luck in your endeavours.
  • Pace yourself for victory and with discipline and determination you will win the prize. Good luck.



  • You sailed through the interview and landed your dream job. Now it is time to prove to the interviewers that they picked a worthy candidate indeed. Good luck on your first day at work.
  • Each new job comes with its own challenges but there is no need to fear. You were picked because you were the best candidate. As you start your new job have faith that you will excel for you are a winner. Good luck to you.


  • All offices are basically the same. They may have different outlays and of course different work mates but remember, in the long run there is not much difference. You are now part of a new team. Learn the basics and you will be fine. Good luck to you in your new job.
  • It is normal to feel a bit scared when faced with some new experience in life, which is good because that makes us cautious enough to be careful about what we are doing. However, there is nothing to fear because all it takes is a little time and a little experience and you will be doing what you were set to do. Good luck in your new job.



  • Exams are not set to fail you, they are set to lift you up. As you prepare to sit for this exam remember that you have worked hard to get here, and so believe in yourself. Good luck in your exams.
  • This exam has been taken before and many excelled. You are no exception. Remember there is nothing new under the sun and like those who went before you, you are a winner. Good luck in your exams.

Good Luck Messages And Wishes


  • What better way to know your true worth than to take an exam. This will be a walk over for you because you are well prepared. Good luck to you.
  • Use the knowledge you have acquired wisely and you will surpass your own expectations. Exams only become hard when we are not prepared or ill prepared for them. I know you prepared well so this should not be a daunting task for you. Good luck as you sit for your exams.
  • Face these exams as you would face a treacherous mountain, without fear but with respect. For the unknown is always frightening but once we know what lies atop the mountain then there is no need to be frightened anymore. When you get to the top you will look down at the path you trod and smile, for it was just a mountain like any other. Good luck with your exams.
About Annako 189 Articles
Hello, I’m Annako – a travel nerd, web buff wannabe, passionate blogger next door and a coffee addict. Writing is my passion so I write about anything. Enjoy!